05 December 2010

Sunday morning distraction

Sunday morning’s a great time for pootling. GingerOne and Two are playing on the Xbox and PS2 respectively and I’m catching up with fellow bloggers. I’ve just read writer Sarah Tanburn’s latest and I’ve generated a word cloud via Wordle for my WIP. Here it is (below). Fun, huh?
On a different note another of my short stories has found a home in Scribble. I received a letter from editor David Howarth yesterday. Scribble was a Best Short Fiction Magazine Winner a couple of years ago, ‘For consistent quality of content and production.’ Oo, erh, missus.


joanne fox said...

Well done on your Scribble acceptance. You may be interested to know that editor David Howarth is the latest guest on my blog!

Sarah Tanburn said...

Hi Laura and thanks for the mention! Must add you to my blogroll. I didn't post as I was sailing all day yesterday (brrr!) and haven't recovered yet. Sent off three query letters, just in time for Xmas! Congrats on Scribble.