16 January 2011

stone #12

A horse wrapped in a duvet, belt buckled tight at the neck, watches the small dog jumping and yapping. A city dog that has never met a horse before. A sea-green coated creature with hot breath held up by stick legs in shoes.


Barb said...

Laura - I happened to post at nearly the same time as you and always "dip into the river" when I do. So - your stone is the first I'm reading today. That description (through the yapping dog's consciousness) is perfect and hilarious! A good day to you.

Barb said...

Back again, Laura - isn't the Internet crazy and wonderful? To answer your question, the photos are always mine - sometimes they speak for me as much or more than words.

BRIDGET said...

Vivid and different...as far removed from a cliched image as it's possible to go.

Mimi Foxmorton said...

Wow....that is an incredibly perfect stone! :)